Brandie SaaS enables you to harness the power of WoM on social media

Keep track of your Brand Ambassadors social media efforts on social media

Start educating your Ambassadors to become better on social media

Incentivise your Ambassadors to start or share more content


Brand Ambassadors

Customize Brand Content


Brand Ambassadors

Share to SoMe



Track and measure effect

Track Social Media KPI

Content Screening Tools

Content Editor with custom brand assets

In-app chat

Social media integrations

Mass briefs for social media activities

Incentives with our scalable rewarding system

Get a custom dashboard to track effect

Campaign tools to ensure right use of hashtags & content

And much more...

Want to know more?

92% of consumers online trust content from friends and family above all other forms of brand messages.

Get in touch and start harnessing the power of digital Word of Mouth marketing.

Get in touch through the form or contact us at